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FourC AS Awarded Grant for €4M Public Transport IT R&D Project

Trondheim, Norway (10 March 2015) --- IoT platform company FourC AS has been awarded a grant from the Research Council of Norway to research and develop new technology solutions for public transport. The project will present new methods and solutions which will make it easier for public transport organisations to adopt SaaS (“Software as a Service”) deliveries with the implementation of new IT solutions. IT solutions for PT has for a long time been characterised by closed and archaic solutions which lock public transport authorities to a particular vendor over long periods of time and in the long run result in expensive solutions with little room for innovation and creativity.


The project will present recommendations on how to overcome such obstacles by demonstrating an open Service Platform solution which enables different vendors to install software as a service on a shared computer inside the vehicles. This will create a living marketplace that removes the lock-in barriers for new PT solutions and fuels innovation by offering a «living lab» for any PT software vendor that wants to try out new solutions without tedious hardware installations.


«We are really excited about this project. We believe it will move IT solutions for the public transport into a whole new era which will bring huge advantages to passengers, public transport companies and the public sector with respect to both costs and benefits», said Tor Rune Skoglund, CEO and founder of FourC.


In addition to the Service Platform itself, the project will demonstrate at least two new services combined on the platform that are significant innovations in themselves:


  • A new, sensor-based solution for passenger detection which will make it easier for public transport companies to track the number of passengers on each stretch of a journey and how those passengers move through the transport system. This will help to improve planning of timetables, reduce journey times for passengers and bring more efficient use of vehicles and public funding.


  • A new and open NFC-based ticketing system which uses the new, contactless bank cards which are currently being introduced by the banks - either as “usual” plastic cards or using NFC-enabled mobile phones. This will mean among other things that there will no longer be the necessity for special travel cards, prior registration to get the best possible prices, and that tourists and similar travellers will not need to purchase tickets in advance. This is also an important contribution to increasing safety for drivers in that cash can be completely removed from the bus itself.


The demonstration systems will be installed in 45 to 75 vehicles by two of the most innovative PTAs in Norway which cover the 3rd and 4th largest cities: AtB AS (Trondheim city/Sör-Tröndelag county) and Kolumbus AS (Stavanger city/Rogaland county). Several other regions' PTAs are also involved with the project as associated partners.


FourC is conducting the project in cooperation with: SINTEF, the largest independent research institution in Scandinavia; Valyou, the largest TSM and contactless EMV NFC mobile wallet provider in Norway, and Samport, widely recognised as Scandinavia's most innovative payment service provider.


The project is open to more innovative partners nationally and internationally who can field test their services in the «living lab» environment.



For more information contact:


Tor Rune Skoglund, CEO FourC AS

+47 72 55 99 00

trs at fourc dot eu



Link to the press release in PDF (English) (Norwegian)




FourC AS

The start-up FourC AS develops infrastructure software for management of distributed systems with focus on the internet of things, M2M, transport, healthcare and automation. The company is especially targeting public transport and is developing several applications for this business. The head offices are in Trondheim with a branch office in the UK.






SINTEF is a multidisciplinary research institute with international top-level expertise in technology, medicine and the social sciences. SINTEF conducts contract R&D in close cooperation with our customers, both in private and public sectors, and is among the four largest independent contract research institutions in Europe.




About AtB AS

AtB AS are responsible for planning, purchase and promotion of public transport services throughout Sör-Tröndelag county. The company is registered as "AS" (Ltd) with 100% of the shares owned by the county council. AtB see it as essential that there is research and development in new products and solutions which can optimise public transport such that it gets cheaper and better for passengers and for the community as a whole.





Kolumbus AS

The public transport company Kolumbus AS have responsibility for the the public bus and ferry services in Rogaland county, and is fully owned by the county council. Kolumbus is a pioneer for good environmental and public transport solutions. Our goal is to increase use of public transport and by doing so improve accessibility and reduce the environmental impact along roads. A market-adapted and customer-oriented offering are important means to achieve this.


AtB logo
FourC logo
Kolumbus logo



Valyou delivers TSM services and an electronic wallet to the banking industry. The firm's solution is marketed under the brand name VALYOU - a mobile application that makes it possible to pay equally safely with smart-phones as with a plastic credit card. The solution is available for DNB's customers and Sparebank1 is trialing it. Skandiabanken is in a project phase with it and other banks will offer VALYOU in 2015. Valyou is owned by DNB, Sparebank1 and Telenor. 





Samport AS

Samport AS is one of the most popular suppliers of payment solutions and terminal products. The company has around 50 employees and more than 10,000 customers throughout the Nordic region. Most of them have chosen Samport because of their customised technology and high level of security.




About The Research

Council of


The Norwegian Research Council is a national strategic research and research funding agency. It is the main research policy adviser to the Government, ministries and other central institutions and communities with connections to research and development (R&D).


The Research Council of Norway logo
Samport logo
Valyou logo

Part of the FourC team in front of some of AtB's buses in Trondheim that will get the new system. From left to right: Sigmund Henningsen, Business Development Manager; Tor Rune Skoglund, CEO; Pål Löberg, CTO

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