FourC announces revolutionary passenger flow analysis product
Trondheim, Norway (17 July 2015) --- FourC AS is proud to announce a revolutionary patent pending passenger flow analysis product that totally disrupts the way passenger flow and counting has been done up until now. The solution was first presented at the UITP Congress & Exhibition in Milan 8 - 10 June.

Non-gated public transport systems all have the problem of detecting when and where passengers leave the vehicles. Also, new forms of ticketing means that passengers might not even be registered on vehicle entry. Dedicated hardware like cameras and IR beacons to do passenger counting is costly. Such systems also need a lot of installation work, which is time-consuming and prohibitively expensive.
However, doing proper public transport system planning is very difficult without reliable statistics on the flow of passengers.
FourC’s patent pending «Cities in Motion» Passenger Flow Analysis is a big data analysing system that anonymously monitors the flow of passengers within a transport system by passively listening to electronic signals from the passengers’ mobile devices. Using state of the art big data techniques, the analyser generates passenger flow statistics to be presented on rich maps or by using graphs or tables.
The software uses artificial intelligence methods to learn passenger behaviour patterns and thereby builds a complete overview of the flow of all passengers for the full transport system - on every stop, on every route, at every time.
The solution is installed as a service on any standard computer device, including all «Cities in Motion» Service Platform-tested devices.
The first installations takes places in Norway during autumn 2015.
For more information contact:
Tor Rune Skoglund, CEO FourC AS
+47 72 55 99 00
trs at fourc dot eu
Link to the press release in PDF