FourC EMV Payment Library
The FourC EMV Payment Library is specifically designed for use in kiosk and self-service environments for credit card payment collection and processing. The library is available to all FourC customers to ease implementation of credit card based payment solutions in any end-user application that runs on any FourC Groovy platform.
The library is also available for customers wanting to implement payment processing on platforms not running FourC Groovy platforms.
Both contact and contactless cards supported
Integrated connection to PSP (payment service provider)
Full end-to-end support for the complete payment, acquisition and settling process
High-level application interface
Linux (.so) and Windows (.dll) versions with command line support tools
Supports payment, acquisition, cancellation and all necessary payment actions for manned and unmanned sales terminals
Application interface for card ID without further payment processing
Transparent and automatic pass-through mode for ISO14443 transportation cards*) like Mifare (on selected terminals supporting them in hardware)
Lets move on!
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*) Transportation card support will be supported in the next release.