FourC Extends IoT Business to Bulgaria
Trondheim/Norway, June 25, 2021 --- FourC participates as a partner of the Bulgarian company Scortel Ltd. in the implementation of the project Integrated innovative VMS for boats and small ships -i2VMS. The project lasts until April 30, 2023, and includes using FourC’s IoT device and sensor cloud platform as part of the new, cloud-based i2VMS solution from Scortel.
The i2VMS project envisages a set of technical solutions, which together provide a reduction in fuel consumption of small ships and motor boats and as a result - reduction of harmful emissions. Along with this effect, additional benefits are achieved, including: Increasing the security of the ship and crew; improved control of the environment (air and water); improved monitoring and control of the fish resources in the sea and inland water area.
FourC provides technology and know-how to support Scortel Ltd. to create a prototype of the i2VMS operating environment based on FourC’s IoT cloud platform. This includes preparing and adapting the platform towards supporting the concept and architecture of the i2VMS. For developing i2VMS as a cloud system, FourC will provide technical expertise on how to connect i2VMS distributed devices for management, surveillance, application maintenance and other features in general. Additionally, FourC will provide the technical framework and the cloud access needed for i2VMS distributed devices to connect to it. This thin framework layer will provide feature support on the device and communicate with the cloud i2VMS system.

The project is supported by Norway Grants 2014-2021 as part of the Business Development, Innovation and SMEs programme for Bulgaria.
For more information, please contact:
Tor Rune Skoglund, CEO
+47 72 55 99 00

About FourC AS
FourC AS is delivering a range of smart city, transport, mobility, energy and tourism products and services, including an infrastructure platform for management of distributed systems. The company holds a patent on passenger flow analysis using Wi-Fi sensors on-board vehicles and vessels. In addition to this, FourC is heavily involved in several cutting-edge innovation, research and development projects. FourC has 11 employees with head offices in Trondheim, the technology capital of Norway.
About Scortel
Scortel provides delivery of equipment and communication services, software, system integration, engineering and consultancy services for Fleet Management and GPS Fleet Tracking Systems, Mobile Satellite Communications (Inmarsat, Iridium, Thuraya, Globalstar, KVH), Maritime Communications and Navigation. Our system solution include Maritime Information Systems (VTMIS, FVMS), Intelligent Transport Systems (Fleet and traffic management, Ticketing and fare management, Real time passenger information, Passenger counting, Video surveillance); Monitoring and Early Warning Systems; Process Control Systems; Automated Systems for Operational Management of Construction Works (ASOM); and Mobile video surveillance.