The Product List
Cloud System Products
A cloud system product license includes access to one instance of a cloud system. Add additional device platform licenses to add devices to a device cloud.
All Groovy Systems can be ordered as a cloud solution, a private cloud solution or as installable software on Linux or Windows servers. Cloud solutions are most efficient and economic and are recommended by FourC.
Device Platform Products
A device platform product license includes a license to connect a device to a cloud system.
This software will be available for free download. You can also create installation media using your own cloud system, with the advantage that the media will then be prepared with the correct connection settings to connect the device to your cloud system without any manual configuration.
Cloud: 1-1-C-v1
Private Cloud: 1-1-P-v1
Installed (Windows): 1-1-W-v1
Installed (Linux): 1-1-L-v1
The standard M2M cloud solution suitable for any type of M2M system.
x86/32 bit: 1-2-32b-v1
x86/64 bit: 1-2-64b-v1
The standard M2M device platform suitable for any type of M2M system.
Application Templates
Application templates help you develop and deploy more quickly, but they are not a requirement.
The application templates are up-to-date distributions prepared with all the tools needed to add your end-user products onto the platform. This includes the utilities needed to pack and deploy the full application to an M2M device using its cloud system.
The application template distributions are tailor-made to run in the virtualised environment of the FourC Groovy M2M Device Platform. These products are freely available for registered customers.
Development and Deployment Tools
The development and deployment tools make it quicker and easier to develop, test, verify and deploy new applications to the cloud system and to the distributed devices.
These products are freely available for registered customers.

FourC Device Application Template using Gentoo
x86/32 bit: 2-3-32b-G-v1
x86/64 bit: 2-3-64b-G-v1
This distribution is based on Gentoo. Current version is based on stable code and will be released in Dec 2014.

FourC Device Application Template using Debian
x86/32 bit: 2-3-32b-D-v1
x86/64 bit: 2-3-64b-D-v1
This distribution is based on Debian "Wheezy" GNU/Linux and is to be released in Dec 2014.

FourC DevDep Tools for Gentoo
This package is for Gentoo-based systems.

FourC DevDep Tools for Debian based systems
32-bit: X-3-32b-D-v1
64-bit: X-3-64b-D-v1
This package is for Debian based systems.
FourC Groovy M2M Device Platform Template
The FourC Groovy M2M Device Platform Template is a ready-to-run VirtualBox VM with a pre-installed M2M Device Platform Template. The template includes the latest version of the FourC Groovy M2M Device Platform.
With the platform template, you can attach to your cloud system and develop and test applications directly in your virtual environment before deploying onto real distributed hardware devices.

FourC Groovy M2M Device Platform VBox Template
32bit: 1-5-32b-v1
64bit: 1-5-64b-v1
Other FourC Products
Linux 32-bit: X-4-L32b-v1
Linux 64-bit: X-4-L64b-v1
Windows 32-bit: X-4-W32b-v1
Windows 64-bit: X-4-W64b-v1
EMV payment library with PSP support covering the full payment process. For use in kiosks, self services machines or point of sale terminals. Available for various architectures.
Planned release: Dec 2014