Press Kit
Usage policy for the FourC company logo
FourC generally allows the use of our logo for the press, web, on social media, blogs, in print and similar use cases.
In any case, the following usage rules apply:
The logo must not be altered in any way. The full logo must always be shown.
If the logo is scaled, aspect ratio must be preserved.
In print or web, the logo must be large enough to remain readable.
The colours of the logo must not be altered. The inner 'C' in the blue (C) circle must be white.
On each side of the logo, there must never be any other object nearer that the 1/4 of the width of the blue (C) circle in the logo.
In case the logo is used in the same article as any competitors' or partners' logo, the square area which the FourC logo covers must be at least as large as any other competitors' or partners' logo in that same article.
It is not allowed to use the logo in advertising or marketing materials for other products without written permission from FourC AS.
Changes to the usage policies will be posted on this page.
Logos for use
The following images can be downloaded for use. Click on images to expand.

FourC logo; white background

FourC logo; transparent background